Who believes that the privatization have been beneficial to the people, raise your hand (no, you're not out there managing directors entitled to vote ...).
Who, by the privatization, it did not happen that the postman left the notice of withdrawal without sounding the buzzer, even though you were at home, get up hand (hey you ... administrators, do not mess with us and raise your hand ..)
I was sent a package containing books, already paid, without knowing when he would arrive.
That day I was at home. I slept, maybe I did not hear the bell ...?
fact is that I am in the notice, completed by hand, of attempted delivery of a parcel on the 17th, a Wednesday. On the same warning was given the opportunity to personally pick up the package at the post office, three days after the date of the notice. No announcements of further delivery attempts. I put my heart in peace and intends to withdraw the following Monday, as well as their indicated.
The next day, Thursday 18, I unexpectedly find a new view, drawn on a postcard printer, a new delivery attempt. Actually I was not at home.
The opinion, however, have reported the amount of 0.50 € to collect the parcel. I think a mistake and look forward to the following Monday.
fact I go to the post office to pick up my books ... ask me 50 cents for the stock !
Already the day after the attempted delivery was acquired yet another high taxes! It was not enough the amount paid for shipping! In practice you penalize
for not being at home with their comfortable . This costs you. Disbursements.
Jump to demonstrate the postman / courier representative has not played ...
But you have no idea how much money you Italian Post pockets with this trick??
And the Italian silent flock and pay ... pays and bears ... sadly.