Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Night Outdoor Wedding Florida

/ / / Aspra.mente wish you ... \\ \\ \\

Bio Weapons is a reflection on the possibility of nature as a weapon. what are the new weapons?
E ' possible in a country battered by war, wake up one morning with the nightmare that they are products of the earth weapon?
Bio weapons
is the work came at the conclusion of the Real Presence 2008 workshop led by Dobrila Denegri and Biljana Tomic Belgrade

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What Banks Do Manual Underwriting Mortgage

Egoart Prize 2008


, is a project focused on the revitalization of the uncultivated areas in the city in an attempt to create useful solutions and eco-friendly, expandable through communication, as well as a haven for food biodiversity.

The specific case involves the rehabilitation of a small plot of land left fallow and used as a mini-dump after the tree that housed it was demolished in the neighborhood of

S. Francesco della Vigna, Venice.

It will be first to start a business of land reclamation, so she can be warm and fertile for planting.

The square of land is then divided in 12 small plots, the size of 30x30 cm each, with string or small rods. In each square will be planted a vegetable or a medicinal plant. Plants and vegetable crops will be selected depending on the size, which must be contained, in relation to the small space. The whole area is surrounded by a small, low fence to avoid being trampled on with impunity, especially in the first phase of growth.

The project also includes a rainwater collection system, to simplify the task of watering by all.
The goal of the project is crucial to be able to involve local residents, so that, once started, can live this space as his own, taking advantage of small amounts generated. In addition to creating a small green space symbolically, the project also aims to increase the common awareness of self-sufficiency, or simply "take care" of a small area of \u200b\u200bnature.


, is a project focalized on the Revitalization of the city's uncultivated spaces, trying to create eco-sustainable solutions. The project involves the community, but is also a try to safeguard alimentary biodiversity.

KITCHEN GARDEN IN VENICE, is a project focalized on the revitalization of the uncultivated city spaces trying to create eco-sustainable solutions. The project involves the community but is also a way to safeguard alimentary biodiversity.

The specific situation concerns the rehabilitation of a little uncultivated plot of land used like a small dumping ground after the fall of the tree. The area is in S. Francesco della Vigna, Venezia.

First of all is necessary to reclaim soil, to help along the planting.

The square will be subdivided in twelve little squares, 30x30 cm, where will be planted little vegetables or officinal plants. The plants and the vegetable species will be selected proportional to the little space. The area will be fenced in to shy away from tread on especially in the first growth phase. The project also involves a system to store rainwater, to make easier hosing dawn.

The principal goal is to Involve the people to live this space contributing to the ITS growth.



Monday, November 10, 2008

I Keep Getting Ear Ache, Hurts When I Chew

Turin and the third landscape

Move the lesson from the study at the park for a multicultural picnic. Transforming the picnic in a "round table" on new artistic strategies and art relational. All in front of the sofa (which remains, after 10 years, only the skeletons ...) by Daniel Spoerri. Gabriella Guide

Rovereto (TN)

Iuav Manifesta 7 The department of visual arts of the university Venetian Iuav continued his excellent collaborations: after MAXXI of Rome, is the time of Manifesta, which will open on 19 July in South Tyrol and Trentino Alto Adige. Curated by Cornelia Lauf, visiting professor at the faculty of arts and design IUAV, the project brings together three groups share the artistic value of its public and social work: Airswap, Aspra.mente Publink and will be assembled in the name of a double value , ethics and aesthetics of their designs. Projects that, in practice, will work on wise use of natural resources and man-made. More in particular, the three groups will reflect on the theme of re-use of disposable materials considered, from a responsible use of the environment, understood as a natural resource and biodiversity protection in the city of Rovereto, one of the locations of Manifesta . The entire project is coordinated by the assistant curator Ilaria Gianni. Flash Art online

Brown Bladder Infection


On the occasion of World Environment Day, 100% public present their project in Venice. After completion of the project H2O + (created for Positano along with Workshop and Aspra.mente) , Lorenza Cossutta, Julia Gabriel and Isabella Sannipoli propose the distribution of the bottles to be filled with public fountains to residents and tourists. On June 5, in Campo Santa Margherita, while stocks ... The project is presented in the context of re: public

Refusés!, An event organized by

& Association Momos. May 28-June 15, 2008, Every day. 10.00-13.00/15.00-19.00. Reservoirs of 'Arsenal of Venice. Repubblica.it 100% public


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Is Denise Milani Natural

Real Presence 08

Roman Ondak
Daad Galerie,
Berlin do that ... my height is the average eltezza Aspre.menti?! Very participation and feeling. Gabriella

Sunday, August 3, 2008

522 Dvr External Drive Hack


A reppresentanza of Aspra.mente is preesente with two works in the exhibition in progress at MAXXI in Rome until March 30. Our group is involved directly with the presence of Eva and Gabriella Cenghiaro Guide that have two independent and works in collaboration with other arts groups. Here you can read in the press release.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

End Of Year Church Contribution Letter

session @ Bauhaus

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sample Of Letter To Daughter

Vaccinium MANIFESTA7

Gabry, we'll miss you! you we will soon find in Weimar!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Want To Stop Taking Ramipril

Closing Session 2007-08 academic

The cycle of meetings The University meets the Company is complete.
The seminars will resume in the academic year 2008-09

How Does The Doctors Test For Cannabis

to 100% Advertise

on our Myspace page
you can see photos of our latest work ...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hampster Caning Clips

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 May 14 meeting

Wednesday, May 21 from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm at Meeting Room (third floor of the Department of Communication Sciences) held a seminar entitled: "Social Marketing, communication and advocacy: promoting health .

Speakers: Marco Biocca

System (Communication, Health Agency RER)
Vittorio Curzel
(Office of Communication, Health Policy Department, Autonomous Province of Trento)
Factors (Office of Communications and Marketing ASL Modena)
Stefania Polvani and Ilene Mark
(Health Promotion, ASL di Firenze)

Roberto Ragazzi (Communications Office ASL of Bologna)
Angelo Stefanini
(University of Bologna and Health Agency RER)

The seminar is open to all students and teachers involved.
For logistic reasons, are asked to indicate their participation in writing to: info.compass @ unibo.it.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sample Letter Not To Renew A Contract


Wednesday, May 14, at 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the 'House of D Department of Communication (Via Azzo Gardino Bologna 23) held a meeting entitled:
"Marketing as an advantage competitive environment for SMEs and start-up "


Pina Lalli, president of the Master of Science Compass, Massimo Di Menna, coordinator of the meeting - Opening remarks and introduction of the agenda of the Conference
Stefano Galli, Innovation Consultant CNA - CNA 's approach to marketing innovation for SMEs
Luigi Bravi, owner of OR.VA srl - The management of the marketing mix as a lever to strengthen the strategic positioning
Vincenzo Ursino Managing IT Frames Group Ltd - The involvement of young graduates in the process of development of international markets
Ledi Halilaj, Aster ITechOff - marketing start-ups: the opportunities of the incubators
Luca Fagg, Openliven: CRM as a tool to support customer relationship
Silvia Ghezzi, Econoetica - marketing start-ups: a case study

The meeting is open to all students, teachers and professionals involved.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ovulation Spotting Breastfeeding

Can art help a product at risk to survive?
The Blood Oranges is an exception in the production of citrus fruits, stems from a spontaneous genetic mutation due to its particular climatic conditions of a small area south of Etna between Syracuse, Ragusa, Enna and Catania. The difficulty of production and marketing of citrus resulting from the absence of a specific law protecting it and distinguishes it from products imported from abroad. Let the orange play comes from the competition sponsored by Aspra.mente Veline artist in November 2007. We launched an appeal to young creative inviting them to redraw the tissues surrounding the fruit, since they remained unchanged from the 50s. Crak with the project Make the trips with blood orange it was the winner. The event started from Venice exactly a year ago and want to go through various stages in Sicily. Bologna is the second leg of our long-Route.

22 - 23rd February 2008 21:30
Villa Serena Via the boat, a
Aspra.mente Cenghiaro is Eva, Julie Gabrielli, Gabriella Guida, Alessandra Saviotti. Aspra.mente is a non-profit project. Acknowledgements: Irene Francioni, Mattiuz Ilenia, Carlo Terrosi bachelor machine and all the staff, Ladis, Villa Serena, all the artists who participated in the contest. aspra.mente

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Writable Folder Linux

Next meetings: 14 and 21 May 2008

Two new appointments to the University meets the Enterprise:

Marketing as a competitive advantage for SMEs and start-up
(formerly The marketing of small and medium-sized firms) .
Wednesday, May 14, hours 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Room D Department of Communication.

Social Marketing, communication and advocacy: promoting health .
Wednesday, May 21, 9:30 - 13:00, second floor meeting room of the Communication Department.

will soon be informed of the detailed program of seminars

Monday, April 7, 2008

Warm-up Music For Basketball

social marketing and a meeting with Eni Eurisko

Within the series "The University meets Business" Wednesday, April 9 at 14-17, third floor meeting room, the seminar will be held on :
" Social Marketing: CSR, the Social and Communication a meeting between Eni and Eurisko .

Sabina Ratti, Ilaria Lenzi
Unit sustainability ENI
Paolo Anselmi
Deputy Eurisko

The seminar is open to all students and teachers involved. For logistic reasons, are required to notify its participation in writing to: info.compass @ unibo.it.

Eni Sustainability Report can be downloaded here

Friday, April 4, 2008

How Much Do Small Game License Cost In Michigan

Fifth meeting: April 9, at 14:00-17 : 00

will be held Wednesday, April 9 The fifth seminar of the series of lectures The University meets Business. The theme will be: Marketing Corporate Social Profit: CSR, the Social and communication, a meeting between Eni and Eurisko.
The meeting will take place at the Meeting Room of the Department of Communication Disciplines (third floor), via Azzo Gardino 23 hours in Bologna 14:00 to 17:00 .
For logistical reasons, those wishing to participate are asked to express their interest by sending an email confirmation to
info.compass @ unibo.it
The meeting is open to all students, teachers and professionals involved.
More information about the speakers and topics will be announced shortly.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Disney Monopoly Princess

Program third and fourth meeting: 31/03 and 1 / 04

two meetings in quick succession to the University meets the business cycle: March 31 from 9:00 to 13:00 in the classroom will be held at the meeting " The editorial marketing ", April 1 from 9:00 to 13:00 lle in class B will be held instead of the meeting entitled" The Marketing of Culture.

Both meetings will be held at the Department of Communication, Via Azzo Gardino 23 Bologna in the course of events and management of cultural organizations of the Degree Course Compass. The beginning of the course Sociology of Knowledge (Prof. Turina) will therefore be postponed to Wednesday, April 2.

These detailed maps of the speakers during the two days:

Marketing editorial (March 31)

Lorenzo Fabbri, product manager in the publishing industry for Carocci and author of the book "The newspapers: policies and strategies marketing "in respect of ancillary products and marketing of newspapers;
Judith Bonfiglioli, Press Office and Events Book Coop, in reference to the organization of book presentations and cultural projects, with particular attention to the reality of the cooperative
Marco Nardini, general manager and business promotion Edizioni Pendragon, who will discuss the situation local editorial and web promotion for books;

Daniele Di Gennaro, Chief Executive and events manager Minimum Fax, show that innovative practices and to promote intermedia editorial.

The Marketing of Culture (April 1)

John Fish Enriques, Fish Ltd and Vice President Studio Artelibro referring to the exhibition Artelibro;
Gianluca Farinelli, Director
Cinematheque City of Bologna , who will talk about fund raising and image building;

Simona Brighetti, responsible for communication and promotion of library Sala Borsa, which will explore the theme of the coordinated, with particular attention to the " bibliotecasalaborsaditutti "
Serenella Accorsi,
responsible Studio Procope Spa, which will illustrate the difficult path of initiation of an agency that offers cultural services

Barbara Rego, responsible for marketing and communications foundation Emilia Romagna Teatro

boobies Click images to enlarge the posters of the meetings

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Medicinal Marijuana For Cateracts

Compass Seminar March 12

parallel to the cycle The University meets the Company, the Master of Science Compass is organizing an interesting event:

Wednesday, March 12, Classroom D, via Azzo Gardino 23
dual faculty appointment with the University Extremadura:
9:00 - "Advertising and Public Relations in Spain," seminar with Maria Victoria Carrillo Duran (deputy and professor of Advertising and Corporate Image)
11:00 - "The people as a competitive advantage in organizations', workshop with Tato José Luiz (Professor of Organization).

All students, teachers and professionals are invited to attend.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Is It Okay To Used Unopened Myonaisea

third and fourth meeting: 31-03 and 1-04

The next seminar of the University meet the companies will be:

- Marketing editorial 31-03, at 9:00 to 1:00 p.m. in Room A of the Department of Communication
- The marketing of culture 1-04, 9:00 to 11:00 hours classroom B of the Department of Communication

The speakers present at the meetings will be communicated shortly .

Sunday, February 10, 2008

L2-l3 Spinal Exercises

Communications of the big companies / poster

Click image to enlarge the poster of the meeting, "Communications of the big companies."

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How To Transport Cupcakes.

Second Meeting: Communications major Material companies

Communications large companies, the second round of the conference series "The university meets the companies" will be held Monday, February 18 from 15 to 19 hours in class D, the Department Communication via Azzo Gardino 23

Communications of large companies

  • Giorgio Ciani, Director of Communications and External Relations Granarolo
  • Mark Scott, Head of Public Relations BASF
  • Daniele Vacchi, IMA Communications Manager
  • Anne Pascale Renaud, Consultant in Marketing and Communication - presentation of a case of product launch worldwide on behalf of Haworth-Castelli

  • Prof. Pina Lalli
  • Mr. Massimo Di Menna

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Why Does Orange Juice Cause Phlem

Slowly Dies

slowly dies who becomes the slave of habit,
repeating every day the same itineraries, who does not change the march
who does not risk and change the color of the clothes,
does not talk to those who do not know.

He or she who shuns passion, who prefers

black on white, dotting the "i"
rather than a set of emotions,

precisely those that make your eyes sparkle,

those that are of a yawn smile
those that make the heart beat
face of mistakes and feelings.

Slowly dies who does not overthrow the table, and who
'unhappy at work,

who does not risk certainty for uncertainty to follow a dream, who does not allow

least once in their lives to run away from sensible advice.

He or she who does not travel, who does not read
does not listen to music,
who does not find grace in himself.

Dies slowly he who destroys pride,
who does not accept help;
who passes his days complaining of his bad luck or

the incessant rain. He or she

who abandons a project before starting it,

who does not ask questions on subjects he does not know,
who does not answer when asked

something he knows.
Let's avoid death in small doses, remembering always that

being alive requires an effort far greater

the simple act of breathing.
Only a burning patience will lead to the achievement

of a splendid happiness'.
(Pablo Neruda)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Canadian Fashion In 1870

presentation Ikea

Some of the material presented by Dr. Carlotta War Ikea Italy during his speech of 10-01 can be found on this link .
probably within a month the page will be updated with new content.