Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Disney Monopoly Princess

Program third and fourth meeting: 31/03 and 1 / 04

two meetings in quick succession to the University meets the business cycle: March 31 from 9:00 to 13:00 in the classroom will be held at the meeting " The editorial marketing ", April 1 from 9:00 to 13:00 lle in class B will be held instead of the meeting entitled" The Marketing of Culture.

Both meetings will be held at the Department of Communication, Via Azzo Gardino 23 Bologna in the course of events and management of cultural organizations of the Degree Course Compass. The beginning of the course Sociology of Knowledge (Prof. Turina) will therefore be postponed to Wednesday, April 2.

These detailed maps of the speakers during the two days:

Marketing editorial (March 31)

Lorenzo Fabbri, product manager in the publishing industry for Carocci and author of the book "The newspapers: policies and strategies marketing "in respect of ancillary products and marketing of newspapers;
Judith Bonfiglioli, Press Office and Events Book Coop, in reference to the organization of book presentations and cultural projects, with particular attention to the reality of the cooperative
Marco Nardini, general manager and business promotion Edizioni Pendragon, who will discuss the situation local editorial and web promotion for books;

Daniele Di Gennaro, Chief Executive and events manager Minimum Fax, show that innovative practices and to promote intermedia editorial.

The Marketing of Culture (April 1)

John Fish Enriques, Fish Ltd and Vice President Studio Artelibro referring to the exhibition Artelibro;
Gianluca Farinelli, Director
Cinematheque City of Bologna , who will talk about fund raising and image building;

Simona Brighetti, responsible for communication and promotion of library Sala Borsa, which will explore the theme of the coordinated, with particular attention to the " bibliotecasalaborsaditutti "
Serenella Accorsi,
responsible Studio Procope Spa, which will illustrate the difficult path of initiation of an agency that offers cultural services

Barbara Rego, responsible for marketing and communications foundation Emilia Romagna Teatro

boobies Click images to enlarge the posters of the meetings

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Medicinal Marijuana For Cateracts

Compass Seminar March 12

parallel to the cycle The University meets the Company, the Master of Science Compass is organizing an interesting event:

Wednesday, March 12, Classroom D, via Azzo Gardino 23
dual faculty appointment with the University Extremadura:
9:00 - "Advertising and Public Relations in Spain," seminar with Maria Victoria Carrillo Duran (deputy and professor of Advertising and Corporate Image)
11:00 - "The people as a competitive advantage in organizations', workshop with Tato José Luiz (Professor of Organization).

All students, teachers and professionals are invited to attend.