Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Egle Sportscooter Wheels For Sale

Aimo e Nadia L'UNITA' D'

usually evidenced menu of taste not exceeding 50 €, but this is a unique opportunity to 110 €. It is worth reading and why not try this menu designed by Aimo e Nadia, Milan in their restaurant "The Place", for one hundred and fifty years of the Unification of Italy. On the table until Saturday, March 19.

The prologue

Tribute to Margherita (pizza)


Vegetables (from) love: late red radicchio from Treviso, puntarelle , lampascioni ,
turnips of red and taleggio Valtaleggio to horseradish and black truffle

Fiocchetti watercress and Senatore Cappelli durum
with fresh tomatoes, sheep cheese and fresh oil *

Capunti buckwheat with mussels, "hairy" Tarantino and fresh fava beans

tuna Carlisle with Avola almonds and lemons from the Amalfi Coast

leg of sheep (farmer Paul Parisi) cooked in sunflower honey Thun

Pull-south : yogurt and mascarpone cream, coffee biscuit
bergamot ricotta and candied honey capers

epilogue L'

Sherry Pedro Ximenes Reserve Santa Ana 1861 Emilio Hidalgo

The place of Aimo and Nadia
Montecuccoli Street, 6
Tel 02 416886


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