Thursday, March 17, 2011

Numb Face Left Side And Increased Heart Beat

Who invented the first computer?

On the birth of the first computer we could discuss for hours, but we say that it is customary to attribute the creation of the first computer to Charles Babbage on 1833. Anyway here's a quick summary to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe historical complexity of the topic!

The first "prototype" of computers, intended as a mechanical machine dates back to the "Antikythera machine" or "Antikythera mechanism" dating from around 100 to 150 BC This small masterpiece is a sophisticated mechanical planetary gears driven by, which was used to calculate the sunrise, moon phases, the movements of five planets known at that time, the equinoxes, months and days of the week. The specimen is preserved at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. Jumping

other objects similar to the greek passed directly to modern times.

1623: Wilhelm Schickard's calculating machine.

1645: The machines of Pascal and Leibniz.

1833: Charles Babbage designed his "analytical engine" that will go down in history as the first real computer. A giant machine powered by steam and gear with unput output and even a unit of calculation with decimal data storage register and a system that connected the various parts!

1927: Vannevar Bush realizes the so-called "differential analyzer".

1936: Alan Touring mother conceived the idea of \u200b\u200ball modern PCs, the so-called "Touring Machine" (think that anything that makes the most modern PCs can do it with a Touring machine!)

1939 : ABC's John V. Atanasoff and Clifford E. Berry's first working computer with vacuum tubes.

1943: It created the first electronic computer program called "Colossus" created by Max Newman.

1946: It 's the place American, born "Eniac" designed by J. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly and almost simultaneously
Also in 1946 John von Newmann designed the 'EDVAC, however, made in 1952.

1948: University of Manchester, was born "Mark I" the first computer memory.

[we could go on for hours until you get to the Mac by Steve Jobs!]


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